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Living Word is a Fellowship of Believers in Jesus Christ, who desire to study, learn and follow the Lord's teachings found in the Holy Bible. We are a Fellowship of all ages and of varied backgrounds. A common thread that unites our Body is that we all are seeking a greater knowledge of the Truth of God, and an ever-closer, personal walk with Jesus Christ. We are A Church Built on Love! We accept each individual “where they are” on their spiritual journey, while providing a safe, nurturing environment for each person to learn, grow and be changed by the Holy Spirit into the amazing individual God intended each of us to be: an individual that reflects the image of Jesus Christ!
If you are looking for a Church where the Love of Christ abounds, a Fellowship where you will be valued, an Environment where you can be rooted deeply in the Truth of God’s Word no matter your age, a Safe Place where you will be challenged to grow in your spiritual walk with the Lord, and a loving Home where you will experience the joy of worship and fellowship with Believers, then perhaps Living Word is where God is leading you!
God bless you!
Pastor Doug & Lucinda
Living Word Church is located at 110 IL-54 Roberts, IL 60962
A common thread that unites our Body is that we all are seeking a greater knowledge of the Truth of God, and an ever closer, personal walk with Jesus Christ.
We want to "Take Jesus Out, and Bring People In!" This means sharing our faith with the world, and inviting them to be a part of a thriving fellowship of Believers.
We have many ways to get plugged in. From our active Small Groups, to all the internal areas of ministry, to our weekly "dinner church" service: we value community together.
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