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Young Adults Small Group
This small group is led by Pastor Josh & ReAnna Hopkins in Gibson City and hosted by Pastor Doug & Lucinda. The group is geared towards "young adults" and young families! They meet the 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 6:30PM...Childcare Available.
Men's Breakfast
Join the men of LWC in a monthly breakfast at 8 am. Locations vary. Our men join together to discuss God's Word and ways to lead families in their calling. See the In-Service Bulletin for Upcoming Breakfast Dates!
Dinner Church Study Group
This group meets after dinner on Wednesday nights in the Fellowship Hall to go through a scheduled study. Studies vary based on the church calendar. See the In-Service Bulletin for Details.
Small Groups
are gatherings of people
who desire to meet regularly in homes,
for fellowship, Bible study,
and "doing life" together.
Do you desire to build
Christ-centered relationships in a safe, caring & warm environment?
Please call the church office:
(217) 395-2231
for more information.
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