"And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world
as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come."
-Matthew 24:14

Since its founding, Living Word Church has had a heart for missions, equipping and sending many to the nations to preach the gospel. We actively support three full time missionaries and have helped to grow a Christian school and ministry in Guatemala for over twenty years. See below to learn more...
Our Missionaries

Jeanne Cook/Panama
Jeanne and her late husband Dennis Cook founded Vida Ministries, and had been working in Panama since late 1981 with national Panamanians and the indigenous population establishing churches, bible schools and bring unity to the Body of Christ in the Darien jungle region.
In 2001, they added Estereo Vida, the first and only Christian radio station in the jungle, which went on the air ministering to approximately 70,000 inhabitants. Vida Ministries also travels throughout Central and South America holding conferences for Pastors' wives. Each year they minister to over 1500 churches of all different denominations at their conferences.
To Learn More about Vida Ministries or Subscribe to their Newsletter, visit their website here.

Don & Béa Foster/France
Donald and Béatrice Foster, missionaries with YWAM, minister in northern France and are recently providing shelter for a few Ukrainian families, refugees from that war-torn country.
Don and Béa share:
•“Although many Christian workers have left the North of France, we do see encouragement through the interest of young people in spiritual things…especially the relational aspect of the Gospel rather than the “religious” aspects of some church activities.”
•”Again, thank you so much for your prayers and for your financial gifts. You are real partners. As we age, we have seen many of our former partners go home to be with the Lord, or have their own financial means diminish. Our budget is tight and we very much appreciate your faithfulness.”

Pastor Dennis/Guatemala
Apart from our Judah Christian School sponsorships in Guatemala (see the section below), we support the ministry of Guatemalan Pastor Dennis.
Besides serving in their home church and hosting missionaries in their home, Pastor "Denny" and his wife minister in their region by:
•Traveling to forty schools a week to encourage children and show them the love of Christ
•Hosting a summer leadership camp for youth and young adults
•Evangelizing on the streets of the towns and villages
As a church, we have also contributed funds for the building of a new home for his family to reside in, which is currently in progress!


Judah Christian School Sponsorships
An important area of ministry for us as a church is our connection to the nation of Guatemala. For the last two decades, we have raised support for Judah Christian and have traveled there on many missions trips to help learn more about the school and how we can make a difference. Judah Christian's administrator is Pastor Victor (see the images to the left).
If you have chosen to be a Sponsor, know that your giving improves Judah Christian's facilities, equipment, and even assists with the improvement of education of the children through supporting professional teachers for their classrooms and providing education opportunities for those who could not normally afford it. So your support goes a long way!
To learn more about with what's happening with LWC Missions, we provide semi-annual updates on Judah Christian as well as our current missionaries during our Missions Sunday services. Contact us using the information provided in your Judah Christian Sponsorship Packet, or for general Missions questions, you may reach out to us here.
If you would like to Donate toward this work or others described on this page, Click the "Donate" button below to jump to our Tithely GIVE page. There you can designate a One-Time gift toward "Missions," or "Guatemala," OR if you are a Sponsor you can choose "Guatemala Sponsorship" and even set up automated giving.
Thank you again for supporting LWC Missions!
Greg & Brandi Conrad
Missions Directors